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About Me

My passion for photography dates back to when I was 15 years old, during a volunteer job at the Durrell Wildlife Preservation Trust (, Jersey). This passion was born closely linked to my love for nature. Since then, I have been discovering, developing and expanding my love for this exciting hobby, on a self-taught basis. 


I am particularly interested in travel photography and animals. In recent years, thanks to my travels and to my friendship with excellent Spanish photographers (Álvaro Ybarra Zabala, Manolo Yllera, Mónica Rico, Xóse de la Paz, María San Román and Diana Perez-Tabernero) my passion for this art has not only grown, but it has also been enlarged to new fields, such as social photography and portrait. I hope to deepen knowledge and experience in these fields too.


I am a lawyer by profession, but my true soul lays in the Art, being photography and music the two ways of expression of the inner world, that lays inside everyone of us.

Cameras: Canon 400D, Canon 60D, Canon G12.

Phones: Sony Xperia, Iphone 6.

Unless stated all pics without filters.


Enjoy the pictures.

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